Decorations. Parties. Gifts. The holidays are a wonderful (but also stressful) time of year. And if you’re caring for a loved one too, you probably have more responsibilities than you can manage. So, take back your life and enjoy the holidays. Hire a homemaker!
What Is a Homemaker?
As the name suggests, homemakers help an older person take care of their home. They may clean, do laundry, prepare meals, run errands and/or provide companionship. Homemakers focus on making the home environment more comfortable and manageable for the individual. They do not perform medical or personal care tasks.
How Can a Homemaker Benefit My Family?
Many senior citizens prefer to remain in their own homes. However, the upkeep of another household puts an enormous strain on families. A homemaker will ease this burden by covering simple, everyday chores. This gives your loved one a sense of independence and your family a break from double duties. This especially is beneficial during the holidays when everyone has more to do.
How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Homemaker?
Homemakers may charge by the hour or by the visit. Either way, you have some flexibility. Whether your loved one needs help every day or only a few times per week, you can schedule accordingly. Although original Medicare does not cover homemaker services, other health insurance policies do. So, be sure to check with individual providers.
What’s the Difference Between a Homemaker and a Home Caregiver?
Even though a home caregiver may help with household duties, their primary focus is the patient. They assist with activities of daily living including bathing, toileting, shaving, dressing, personal grooming, and eating. Usually, home caregivers work under the supervisor of a licensed nurse, and they may perform some medical duties such as taking blood pressure or distributing medications. In many cases, home caregivers have CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant) or HHA (Home Health Aide) certification. As with homemakers, a home caregiver can make your holidays less stressful.
Should I Hire a Homemaker or a Home Caregiver?
The correct answer depends on your family’s needs. Does your loved one need a little extra help with housework, laundry and shopping, but otherwise they’re mostly independent? If so, a homemaker could be the right choice. Or does your loved one require regular assistance with showering and getting dressed as well as preparing meals? In this case, a home caregiver is the better option.
Would You Like to Hire a Homemaker for the Holidays?
If you’re looking to employ a trusted homemaker for the holidays, Anodyne is here for you! Our experienced home care specialists are available twenty-four hours a day, all year long. Plus, Anodyne offers flexible scheduling options, so you can bring in the help you need only when you need it. Contact one of our five offices in Eastern Massachusetts and make your holidays more carefree starting today!