The Impact of Coronavirus and Your Search for a New Healthcare Job

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The number of people infected and dying from the novel coronavirus identified COVID-19 is changing daily. The World Health Organization has declared a pandemic. To help track the outbreak Johns Hopkins Medicine developed a user-friendly interactive map  The total confirmed cases of the virus are rising every day.


What Does This Mean for Hospitals and Healthcare Workers?

While Italy, China, Iran, and Spain struggle with the highest numbers of sick and confirmed infections, the U.S. is not far behind. However, with a larger geographical area and higher overall population, the healthcare market in the U.S. has not yet experienced a significant increase in demand.

Hospitals are working to prepare for an influx of patients while protecting their own employees. While the pandemic continues to grow it may exacerbate shortages in the healthcare market and lead to billing, insurance, and further infection-control issues.

There is a growing demand for nurses and front line staff as some are being sent home to self-quarantine after being exposed to an active patient. This is driving market demand for medical providers, which Italy and China took to the next level asking retired healthcare workers to rejoin the workforce for a short time to fill in the gaps.


How Might This Affect Your Job Search?

Job postings are on the rise from hospitals, clinics, and doctors’ offices as they struggle to fill a growing need to treat patients and cover their permanent staff who require quarantine. Other positions are open to specifically help with communications or medical assistance. Medical facilities are hiring on a permanent and temporary basis, depending upon their immediate need. In some cases, medical professionals are being cross-trained to help fill needs.

Nurses are not only in demand for bedside care but also to help with screening at airports, train stations, and quarantine locations. While it is important to maintain infection control procedures to care for patients, the growing need for healthcare providers may be the time to step out of your retirement for a short term position or be an opportunity to find permanent employment.


Are You Ready for a New and Fulfilling Opportunity in Healthcare?

Since the situation is not yet under control, it offers you an opportunity to work on the front line of a growing challenge in healthcare. Even without extensive medical experience, hospitals will be in need of nursing assistants and technicians who are willing to be trained in task work, freeing up nurses and doctors to be used where they are most needed.

This means there are and will continue to be openings in your local area for nurses, respiratory therapists, and assistants to step up and join forces with those already serving our community. If you are ready to move your career forward, develop new skills and join a team of dedicated professionals working to save lives, call our professional recruiters at Anodyne today. We can help expedite your search and find you the right job.

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