How Medical Advancements Will Impact Home Health Care

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Advancements in medical care that were only imagined ten years ago have become almost commonplace. The number of people who are experiencing longer lives, surviving heart attacks, and strokes and returning home after rehabilitation from catastrophic injury has had a significant impact on home health care. The speed of advancing technology has not slowed, and it shows no signs of slowing in the future.

Artificial intelligence, robotic surgery, and new imaging techniques are improving health care and contributing to a longer life. What is expected in the next ten years, and how will it affect home health care?


Alternative Pain Therapies

Currently, drug overdoses claim the lives of more people under 50 than any other medical or accidental reason. Indiscriminate prescriptions have fueled the drug epidemic for highly addictive opioids painkillers. Once the physician is no longer willing to prescribe painkillers, many turn to street drugs.

Advancements in pharmacogenomics will allow physicians to use genetic testing to find the best pain medication. Along with predictive algorithms, the risk of addiction may be reduced. Better pain management may mean more significant gains in rehabilitation and an increased potential of being able to live at home with home care.


Longer Interval for Stroke Intervention

The faster a stroke is diagnosed and treated, the greater potential a person has of regaining functional ability. In the coming decade, researchers believe what is now a one or two hour window may expand even further with new guidelines. Loss of blood to the brain triggers the destruction and functional impairment of physical and cognitive abilities. With a better potential to reduce this loss, more may survive a stroke and be able to live at home with home care.


Innovations in Robotic Surgery

Surgical options are considered when the treatment improves patient outcomes and is done with the least invasive methodology possible. Developing robotics is allowing greater expansion of surgical treatment, after which patients experience less pain and shorter recovery periods. These factors help home health care providers to tailor their care toward rehabilitation and independence, rather than pain management.


Brain-Computer Interface

Scientists are working quickly to advance technology for brain chips controlling sight and hearing. Retinal and cochlear implants give those impacted by the loss of sight or hearing the ability to engage with their environment. New technology has developed that activate pathways of motor control for those with Parkinson’s Disease. Brain implant therapy is also being used to help those who are paralyzed by sending electrical signals to restore some movement and communication.


Are You Ready for the Future?

At Anodyne, we are ready to help serve a growing population who need help to live independently at home. We’d like you to join us! Call our professional recruiters today, and let’s get started finding your next assignment.

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