How Technology is Changing the Way We Search for Medical Jobs

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How medical professionals are searching for jobs has changed over the past five years, and 2020 promises more new technological advancements. Job seekers once scoured the want ads in the newspapers and traipsed into every business to fill out their job applications. Today most read the news online. Human resources don’t offer information about current job listings. Instead, every job is listed online, as are the applications.

Resumes and cover letters are read by automated software searching for specific keywords and keyword phrases to move what is perceived as the most qualified applicants to the next level. This change has required specific changes in the way you structure and write your resume and cover letters. What are some of the other technological advancements that have changed the way people find and get jobs?


Technology Is Changing the Face of Job Search

As with any other aspect of society, technology has impacted how employers are finding job candidates. Using social media, job seekers can look for jobs and narrow their searches to specific job skills, geographical areas, or employers. The interaction over a digital connection has also made it easier for job seekers to showcase their skill set. With just an internet connection and a smartphone, you can look for jobs from around the world, set up notifications, and even fill out applications.

Social media is an important way to market yourself to future employers. Many are interested in your LinkedIn profile, the people you follow, and the content you’ve posted. On the other hand, social media has also made it possible for future employers to look at your media history and determine if you are a suitable candidate. If for only this reason, it’s essential to take care when posting comments and content.

Once you’ve made it through the screening process, you can also interview potential employers right over your internet connection. When the job you want is hundreds of miles away, this used to mean phone interviews or a road trip. Today, face-to-face interviews are possible using video chat, including panel interviews, where each panel member is located in a different city!


McDonald’s Initiates First Voice-Assisted Application Process

If McDonalds has started using Alexa and Google Assistant, can the world be far behind? In a partnership with Alexa and Google, future McDonald’s employees can ask, “Ok, Google, talk to McDonald’s Apply Thru.”

This is the new application process where new employees will start. The program asks for name, job area of interest, and the applicant’s location. It then generates a list of positions available in the geographical location and texts a link to an official online application. The process is simple for the end-user, and McDonald’s says Alexa offers a friendly and engaging way to apply for a job.


Are You Looking for Your Next Job in Healthcare?

The professional recruiters at Anodyne are experts at matching you with the right employer to increase your potential for success. Healthcare is a challenging and unique field where you are responsible for the health and wellness of others. Call our professional recruiters today to experience the joy of working with experts.

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